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Equitouch Bodywork & Rehab offers a variety of different clinic options of educate the public about the benefits of bodywork and more!

Equine Demonstration & Lecture $150

This clinic includes a half hour demonstration of a massage on a horse.  During this demonstration the muscles are discussed, common issues to make muscles sore are gone over, and simple safe stretches are shown to the audience to help them maintain their own horses.  A quick demonstration of red light therapy is performed as applying kinesiology rocktape and the benefits of its use.  The last part of the demonstration includes taking a thermography photo of the horse, and an explanation of what is seen on the photo.  Audience members can ask any questions about what has been discussed.


The lecture part of the clinic can include topics on essential oils, biomechanics, saddle fit, and saddle placement.  Clients have the option to pick whatever topics they are interested in. The lecture usually lasts 45 minutes to an hour.

Demonstration & Evaluation of horses

$100.00 plus $30.00 per horse

This clinic starts with a demonstration of massage and Lindsay goes over how she evaluates the horse before each session.  A demonstration of red light and rock tape is gone over as well as thermography.


After the demonstration, each member of the audience able to have their horse evaluated by Lindsay.  She spends 15 minutes per horse, so other members don't have to wait too long, and will go over what she finds with each horse with its owner and rock tape can be applied (horse must be clipped during winter months) if the owner would like.  Lindsay evaluates the horses gait, pain points, muscle palpation, and will also show owners helpful stretches.  Clients have the option to have thermography photos taken (a set of 3) for an additional $20.  Each person will get an email of what Lindsay when over.  10 horse limit for evaluations so clients aren't waiting for hours for their turn.

Equine Biomechanics & Under saddle balancing


This clinic focuses on the extreme importance of being well educated in biomechanics when it comes to handling and riding the horse.  If the horse works biomechanically correctly there is less of a chance for extreme muscle soreness and atrophy, and the develop proper muscling.  Topics include engaging the horse's hind end, issues with horses that travel heavy on the forehand, hollow, over development of certain muscles, the thoracic sling, and more.


The under saddle balancing part of the clinic goes over proper saddle fit and placement.  Many times the horse is unable to use themselves properly due to saddles being placed too far forward, not fitting, and pinching them.  Clients have the option to tack up and get on their horse for further education on saddle fit.

Equine Thermography Clinic

$50.00 plus $55.00 per horse

This clinic includes a lecture on thermography.  It goes over what thermography is, how it can be helpful with finding soreness and other issues in the horse, and how it can be used for saddle fit.  After the lecture each person can get their horse their own photos, which is a set of 3.  Each photo will be discussed with the owner and edited photos and a write up will be emailed to each participant on their horse. 


Canine Demonstration & Lecture

This clinic starts with a demonstration with Lindsay's own Australian Shepherd while explaining the benefits of bodywork, red light, PEMF, and kinesiology tape. Lindsay will also go over stretches for the canine that is helpful.  She can focus on certain topics the clients want, but is especially experienced in working dogs and seniors.

(c) Equitouch Bodywork & Rehab LLC 2022


Equine bodywork, canine bodywork, Pemf, red light therapy, taping & thermography does not replace veterinary care

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